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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - discipline


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~1 n 1 the practice of making people obey rules and orders, or the controlled situation that results from this practice  (We have high standards of discipline at this school that must be maintained. | strict military discipline | keep discipline)  (teachers who can't keep discipline in the classroom) 2 a method of training your mind or learning to control your behaviour  (Learning poetry is a good discipline for the memory.) 3 the ability to control your own behaviour and way of working  (He'll never finish that course - he's got no discipline!)  (- see also self­discipline) 4 punishment for not obeying rules  (That child needs discipline.) 5 an area of knowledge such as history, chemistry, mathematics etc that is studied at a university ~2 v 1 to teach someone to obey rules and control their own behaviour  (At least I'm not afraid of disciplining my kids!) 2 discipline yourself (to do sth) to control the way you work, how regularly you do something etc, because you know it is good for you  (It's a question of disciplining yourself to write every day.) 3 to punish someone in order to keep order and control  (One director left today and two others have been disciplined.)
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  (disciplines, disciplining, disciplined) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Discipline is the practice of making people obey rules or standards of behaviour, and punishing them when they do not. Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governing bodies. N-UNCOUNT 2. Discipline is the quality of being able to behave and work in a controlled way which involves obeying particular rules or standards. It was that image of calm and discipline that appealed to voters. = self-control N-UNCOUNT 3. If you refer to an activity or situation as a discipline, you mean that, in order to be successful in it, you need to behave in a strictly controlled way and obey particular rules or standards. The discipline of studying music can help children develop good work habits. N-VAR 4. If someone is disciplined for something that they have done wrong, they are punished for it. The workman was disciplined by his company but not dismissed... Her husband had at last taken a share in disciplining the boy. VERB: be V-ed, V n 5. If you discipline yourself to do something, you train yourself to behave and work in a strictly controlled and regular way. Out on the course you must discipline yourself to let go of detailed theory... I’m very good at disciplining myself. VERB: V pron-refl to-inf, V pron-refl 6. A discipline is a particular area of study, especially a subject of study in a college or university. (FORMAL) We’re looking for people from a wide range of disciplines. = subject N-COUNT 7. see also self-discipline ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French, from Latin disciplina teaching, learning, from discipulus pupil  Date: 13th century  1. punishment  2. obsolete instruction  3. a field of study  4. training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character  5.  a. control gained by enforcing obedience or order  b. orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior  c. self-control  6. a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity  • disciplinal adjective  II. transitive verb  (-plined; -plining)  Date: 14th century  1. to punish or penalize for the sake of ~  2. to train or develop by instruction and exercise especially in self-control  3.  a. to bring (a group) under control ~ troops  b. to impose order upon serious writers ~ and refine their writing styles  Synonyms: see punish, teach  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a control or order exercised over people or animals, esp. children, prisoners, military personnel, church members, etc. b the system of rules used to maintain this control. c the behaviour of groups subjected to such rules (poor discipline in the ranks). 2 a mental, moral, or physical training. b adversity as used to bring about such training (left the course because he couldn't take the discipline). 3 a branch of instruction or learning (philosophy is a hard discipline). 4 punishment. 5 Eccl. mortification by physical self-punishment, esp. scourging. --v.tr. 1 punish, chastise. 2 bring under control by training in obedience; drill. Derivatives disciplinable adj. disciplinal adj. Etymology: ME f. OF discipliner or LL & med.L disciplinare, disciplina f. discipulus DISCIPLE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) порядок, организация (процесса) 2) дисциплина (порядок) обслуживания (напр. запросов) - interruption discipline - line discipline - polling discipline - preemptive discipline - queue discipline - round-robin priority discipline - transaction discipline - transmission discipline ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  дисциплина – batch service discipline – call servicing discipline – communication discipline – exhaustive service discipline – limited-service discipline – line discipline – preemptive discipline – priority servicing discipline – random-service discipline ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  дисциплина alternating priority discipline — дисциплина с чередующимися приоритетами delay dependent discipline — дисциплина, зависящая от времени пребывания в системе dynamic priority discipline — дисциплина с динамическим приоритетом endogeneous priority discipline — дисциплина с приоритетами, определяемыми состоянием системы exogeneous priority discipline — дисциплина с приоритетами, не зависящими от состояния системы first-come-first-served first-in-first-served discipline — порядок дисциплина обслуживания по принципу "первым пришел - первым обслужен", обслуживание в порядке поступления (требований) last-come-first-served last-in-first-served discipline — порядок дисциплина обслуживания по принципу "пришел последним - обслужен первым", обслуживание в обратном порядке noninterruption nonpreemptive discipline — дисциплина без прерывания обслуживания (при поступлении требований с более высокими приоритетами) partly endogeneous discipline — дисциплина, частично зависящая от состояния системы restricted interruption discipline — дисциплина с ограниченным числом прерываний начатого обслуживания round-robin priority discipline — циклическая дисциплина обслуживания порциями shortest remaining processing time discipline — обслуживание по принципу наименьшей длительности завершения strict queue discipline —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) дисциплина 2) дисциплина (очереди); порядок обслуживания, порядок поступления (требований на обслуживание) - price discipline 2. гл. дисциплинировать DISCIPLINE 1. сущ. 1) а) общ. дисциплина, порядок (определенная модель поведения людей, отвечающая сложившимся в обществе нормам права и морали или требованиям какой-либо организации, а также сама совокупность правил и норм поведения) to keep maintain discipline — поддерживать дисциплину to destroy undermine the discipline of the troops — подрывать дисциплину в войсках; деморализовать войска iron discipline — железная дисциплина See: breach of discipline, budgetary discipline, discipline procedure, labour discipline, disciplinary б) ТМО дисциплина очереди, обслуживания; порядок обслуживания (определенный порядок поступления и удовлетворения требований на обслуживание) first-come-first-served discipline — порядок дисциплина обслуживания по принципу "первым пришел - первым обслужен" 2) общ. дисциплинированность to have a reputation for discipline — иметь репутацию дисциплинированного человека noted for his discipline — известный своим послушанием 3) а) общ. обучение, тренировка intellectual discipline — тренировка ума No part of early education is more important than the discipline of the imagination. — Нет ничего более важного в раннем образовании, чем...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. дисциплина, порядок school discipline —- школьная дисциплина iron discipline —- железная дисциплина to keep children under discipline —- держать детей в руках to enforce discipline —- вводить жесткую дисциплину to keep (to maintain) discipline —- поддерживать дисциплину to destroy (to undermine) the discipline of the troops —- подрывать дисциплину в войсках; деморализовать войска discipline in space should be steel hard —- дисциплина в космосе должна быть железной 2. дисциплинированность, дисциплина noted for this discipline —- известный своим послушанием to have a reputation for discipline —- иметь репутацию дисциплинированного человека 3. обучение, тренировка intellectual discipline —- тренировка ума 4. воен. редк. муштровка, муштра 5. отрасль знаний, дисциплина; дело 6. наказание discipline with the rod —- наказание розгами 7. церк. епитимья; умерщвление плоти 8. бич, кнут 9. церк. благочиние 10. обучать, тренировать to be disciplined by suffering (by adversity) —- пройти суровую школу жизни 11. воен. муштровать 12. дисциплинировать; устанавливать строгую дисциплину 13. наказывать; пороть, сечь 14. воен. подвергать дисциплинарному взысканию 15. церк. бичевать; умерщвлять плоть; налагать епитимью ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) дисциплина, порядок  2) дисциплинированность  3) дисциплина (отрасль знания)  4) наказание  5) eccl. епитимья; умерщвление плоти  6) fig. палка; кнут Syn: see training  2. v.  1) дисциплинировать  2) тренировать  3) наказывать; подвергать дисциплинарному взысканию Syn: castigate, chasten, chastise, correct, punish Ant: applaud, encourage, praise, reward ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 12c., from O.Fr. descepline, from L. disciplina "instruction given to a disciple," from discipulus (see disciple). Modern sense is from "order necessary for instruction." Disciplinarian "one who enforces order" is first attested 1639. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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